Code of Conduct Icon

Code of Conduct


You have chosen to enrol your child at Iona Convent School which is an Independent Catholic School. The school is owned by the Sisters of Mercy and we, the current staff, strive to maintain the spirit and ethos of the school by following the Education Policy and the Child Safeguarding Policy as set out by the Sisters of Mercy. This school is also a member of the Gauteng Catholic Schools Board. We also comply with the policies and curriculum of the Gauteng Department of Education where we are registered as an Independent School. This enables us to register our Grade 12 learners for the National Senior Certificate Examinations.

The school is open to all learners on the understanding that the policies and protocols in place are based on Christian values. We are committed to challenging the learners to a higher standard of personal integrity and it is our hope that these are upheld by parents. It is striving for this level of excellence that has inspired this Code of Conduct for all parents and guardians associated with the school.

Parental Responsibilities

Parents/guardians are required to enter into a twofold contract or agreement with the school in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Parents and Guardians.

1. Because Iona is a Catholic School, the first contract or agreement is entered into between the parents/guardians, learners, principal and teaching staff. The support and involvement of these stake-holders provides the learners with the best opportunity to develop to their full potential at school.

2. There are a number of procedures and protocols in place to facilitate full participation by parents/guardians and learners as listed below:

  • SMS notification
  • Newsletters
  • News flashes
  • Meetings with class teachers, subject teachers and/or the principal.
  • Collection of Reports
  • School based extra lessons
  • Referral to the Social Worker
  • Academic Interventions
  • Disciplinary Interventions
  • Invitations to school functions
  • Participation in Fund Raising activities

3. When parents/guardians want to meet with teachers and/or the principal they must make an appointment by contacting the school office. The school office will notify the person concerned who will get back to the parent/guardian within 24 hours.

4. Teachers will not be called out of class to answer telephone calls or to meet with a parent/guardian who does not have an appointment.

5. Under no circumstances may any parent/guardian interrupt a class that is in session to speak to a teacher.

6. The school is committed to protecting each and every learner in the school in accordance with the Sisters of Mercy Child Safeguarding Policy. Therefore, if a parent/guardian has a grievance against a learner, this must be forwarded to the principal who will investigate the matter. The principal will report back to the parent/guardian. If it is found that there has indeed been any kind of misconduct, only the principal may address the issue with the learner.

7. Under no circumstances is any parent/guardian allowed to approach a learner about any matter that took place at school. Not only does this apply to normal school hours but it also applies after school. This includes verbal confrontation and/or any form of communication via social media. The procedure outlined in point 6 must be followed.

8. When meeting with teachers or the principal, the use of bad language and any form of racism, aggression, both verbal and physical, or sexual harassment will not be tolerated and will result in the meeting being terminated.

9. Parents/guardians should refrain from any form of gossip as this undermines the dignity of the child or children concerned. If there are concerns, they need to be presented to the principal in a respectful manner.

10. When learners are present, teachers must be addressed politely and by their correct title and surname.

11. If a difference of opinion or a dispute does arise between a parent/guardian and a member of the school staff, special care must be taken not to pursue the discussion or dispute in front of any learners.

12. Communication with the class teacher and/or the principal must be done either by leaving a message with the school office or by letter. When leaving a telephonic message, please supply a contact number so that the teacher/principal can call back if necessary.

13. Parents who have a grievance against a teacher must report this to the principal who will conduct an investigation. Once the investigation is complete, the principal will communicate with the parents until the matter is resolved.

14. Children must be at school on time, by 07:40 and fetched from school by 14:30 or enrolled in aftercare.

15. Parents/guardians must make sure that children have all relevant books and stationery at school every day. Make sure that everything is marked clearly with the child’s full name.

16. Homework must be checked and homework diaries signed every day.

17. Read newsletters and messages on Classdojo and make sure the reply slips are signed and returned on time.

18. Nothing related to school including but not exclusive of names of members of staff or learners may be posted on social media.

19. No photos or videos of school property, members of staff or learners may be taken and/or distributed on social media.

20. As far as possible, appointments with doctors, dentists etc. should be made after school hours.

21. Every learner is required to have a Homework Diary and parents/guardians should check this daily to ensure that the learner is recording and doing homework assignments.

22. Parents/guardians must notify the school about any changes at home that could affect the academics/behaviour of the learner at school.

23. Learners’ use of the internet and the content they both watch and distribute as well as the programs they watch on TV needs to be monitored carefully.

24. It is important to spend quality time with your children – reading and talking to them.

25. Permission to allow a learner to miss school for any reason other than illness must be requested by writing a letter to the learner’s class teacher, preferably in advance. The class teacher will send it to the principal for final authorisation. The Department of Education only accepts the following 3 reasons for absence from school:

  • Illness, supported by a valid medical certificate.
  • Death of an immediate family member supported by a death certificate.
  • Court appearance by the learner supported by written evidence.

26. Permission to leave school early must be made by writing a letter to the learner’s class teacher. The learner must be collected from the school office and signed out by the parent/guardian or by a duly authorised adult. The person collecting the child will be asked for their ID number by reception.

27. Parents/guardians must notify the school office when a learner is absent from school. During the June and November examinations this is extremely important and notification should reach the school before 08:00.

28. Learners who have been absent from school must bring a letter from their parents/guardians on the day they return to school. For an absence of 3 or more days, a medical certificate from a medical doctor or dentist, or a registered traditional healer or a registered herbalist must be handed in on the day the learner returns to school.

29. From Grade 4 onwards, a medical certificate from a medical doctor, dentist, a registered traditional healer or a registered herbalist must be produced for any absenteeism on a test day or on the day that an assessment task must done or handed in or during the annual June and November examinations.

30. If a learner misses an examination or formal assessment because of civil unrest and the parent/guardian decides the situation may endanger the learner travelling to or from school, the parent/guardian must supply an Affidavit clearly stating the reason for absence. This must be submitted not later than 5 school days after the absent day.

31. Parents/guardians must ensure that the learner has the necessary stationery and text books for every day.

32. Parents/guardians must ensure that the learner complies with the uniform requirements and the regulations relating to hair styles, nails etc.

33. The school is not legally obligated to negotiate/communicate with anyone who is not legally/biologically affiliated to the learner.

34. The second contract or agreement is between the parents/guardians and the school management and this is characterised by parents taking on and honouring the responsibility of paying all fees due to the school by the due dates.

35. The person responsible for paying school fees must sign a new contract with the school at the start of each new academic year.

36. Failure to keep fees paid as required will result in the learner being barred from re-registration for the next year and the account in arrears will be handed over, with costs, for collection